• 希腊帕拉蒂奇小岛的居民为了发展旅游业,向德国一家银行贷款进行基建,银行调查员前往小岛实地考察,互相看不顺眼的德国人和希腊人之间将发生什么?这部德国喜剧片利用德希两国人民对彼此的刻板印象,在充满地中海风情的小岛上甩出了一个又一个笑点:骑驴艰难越过山岭,夜晚裸泳引来误会,两国人的侦察与反侦察,而重新找回自我的主题又让人在捧腹之余感受到一份温情。荣获第20届釜山国际电影节“釜山银行”特别奖。
  • A film version of a play Fassbinder directed in Hamburg, Clare Booth Luce's The Women. It gave Fassbinder an opportunity to indulge his passion for working with women - there are forty women in the play and no men.The play dates from the 1930s, and Fassbinder was accused by the critics of being anti-women (a frequent criticism of late). As usual, he chose to work against the text, and from this has constructed an entertaining and engaging play about love between upper-class women with nothing better to do than sneer at others when things go wrong with their lives and loves.
  • 赫拉克勒斯是希腊神话中伟大的英雄,他是宙斯与阿尔克墨涅之子。阿尔克墨涅是珀耳修斯的孙女,底比斯国王安菲特律翁的妻子。安菲特律翁也是珀耳修斯的孙子,是泰林斯国王,但后来离开了那个城市,移居底比斯。阿尔克墨涅惧怕赫拉诅咒,多番让赫拉克勒斯身处险境,而小赫拉克勒斯却平安无恙。长大后他神勇无比,完成了十二项英雄伟绩,包括杀掉涅墨亚的狮子,杀掉斯廷法罗斯湖怪鸟,打败安泰巨人,被升为武仙座。此外他还参加了阿尔果斯远征帮助伊阿宋觅取金羊毛,解救了普罗米修斯等。本片讲述了有关他英勇无畏,敢于斗争的故事。