• 独家高清首发稀缺资源-大漠资源(damozy.com) 
  • When blonde bombshell Meredith Lake breezes into his office, New York private eye Bob Signorelli can’t resist giving her “personal” attention. But their one-night stand becomes a deadly liaison when they are linked to a homicide; and a night of steamy passion snowballs into a marathon of madness and murder.
  • 奥斯卡奖得主麦克而凯恩和本金斯利合演。福尔摩斯帮伦敦警察厅破获无数案件,但是福尔摩斯并不存在,而这位大侦探的角色一直由一个叫雷金纳得琴凯德德人扮演,他是华生雇佣德临时“演员”,笨拙又酗酒,为此,华生想要解雇他,正当此时,财务部官员要拜访福尔摩斯,华生只好留着他,继续这弥天大谎,“依靠”他破解新谜团。
  • 在森山之中,赤裸之下,靠本能向行兇者作出绝命反击……专业桌上舞女郎戴安娜比人迷昏倒醒来时发现全身赤裸并被带到荒山之eee。而变态兇徒更打算将她残酷猎杀..在森山之中,赤裸之下,戴安娜只有如同野兽一样,靠本能向行兇者作出绝命反击…